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*Best Answers* Let's Open It Up.

Why not? I saw in the SEO forum people are grateful for your help.
I was kidding Ryan

But really it's like a democracy, do people really know a good answer when they would rather best answer what they want to hear?

The Nazi party was a democracy and they we're wonderful with who they gave their voting power to eh!

At the other end Robert Mugabi the same.

Sure, it has no real meaning, but it's nice to know if your post has been helpful to the OP and that's useful for people who can't give likes yet either.
I suppose but as I said I am not sure people can see when something they don't want to hear might be the best help.
Well, actually, really what's most important for SEO
It's about the best answers there to but again are the measures right there do you think?

I found that sadly the only way to beat those gaming the system is to fly very close to the edge sometimes in order to beat them. Partly as SE's and their spiders are quite stupid in many ways tbh.

I really shouldn't post at near bedtime when tired LOL.

Anyone know how to fix a dyslexic keyboard btw?